Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day to all the dads who frequent PHouse... especially mine!  
So, I know we welcomed the rain- would've been nice if 3 inches was over 3 days and not in 3 hours, but beggers can't be choosers.  It brought a nice drink to the crops and the lawns, the lovely flower garden in the Yokel Courtyard behind PHouse... OH YEAH!  and it brough HUMIDITY.  Today is one of those days when I say "forget this midwestern nonsense; if it's gonna be this hot and humid, put me on the beach in Florida".  Sitting on the veranda in Siesta Key, sipping a colada of some sort sounds a lot better than the forecast for the next 2 days!  Oh, and let's not forget that the rear A/C isn't working right, making for a lovely 80 degrees in our kitchen.

Last night was another exciting one for PHouse and OHouse.  The Society welcomed members of the Yorkshire Playhouse to town to discuss our upcoming joint venture.  Watch the calendars for our first evening of MELODRAMA!  September 30 we bring an informal, boo-hiss-throw popcorn at the villian evening of entertainment to the San Carlo Room.  This will be what we hope will become a frequent show.  Also watch for our first anticipated group outting to a Doane College theater performance.  Oct 5-7 is Boeing Boeing.

Finally, I toured and chatted it up with 2 great couples from the Davenport area.  One of the couples has purchased 2 old buildings and it's their intention to create an atmosphere much like the PHouse / San Carlo Room.  Building improvements have begun, and we'll chat more about what I've learned the hard way!  We also welcomed a fun group to our 8-top table.  They ventured over from Hickman, and while there were strong ties to Milligan, they chose to spend their evening with us.  Oh, and I've gotta mention the funny guy who has an app for everything, including computing how much his BAC was.  He entered the correct number of glasses (2) but miscalculated his weight (by about 120 lbs) and was amazed that he might just have to sit at PHouse for several hours!?  Hee Hee  once we figured it out, it was commical- he was well within his legal limit... it was 2 glasses over several hours accompanied by our fantastic stuffed portabello mushrooms with garlic mashed potatoes...  good to be a responsible driver, better to enjoy the wine sensibly!  Super meeting everyone and sharing a few laughs!

Enjoy this hot, humid, muggy, clammy Father's Day Sunday!

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